Thursday, February 26, 2015

Happy Valentines Day!!

Well tomorrow is Valentines Day and I want all of you to know that God loves you and so do I!!:) I hope it's the best valentines day yet.
Can I just say that my favorite accessory is my missionary tag. I love wearing it and I love seeing others wearing their tags. How great is it that we get to be serving the Lord? It's the best thing ever!!!:) I really do love it.
This week was normal for the most part, class all day everyday. Yesterday was probably the best though because all of our moms send valentines packages and it felt like Valentines-Christmas. It was so fun!!! Then we had a rap battle and I won. haha
Oh we got two new sisters in our room on Wednesday. One is from El Salvador and the other is from some little 3rd world island by New Zealand and she doesnt speak English..... She understands very little English, she is very jet lagged, and the has been writing in her notebook since the moment she got here. Last night she wrote until 12am with the lights on.... then woke up at 5 this morning and turned the lights on. -__- La lucha es real (the struggle is real).
Its all good though, I've been praying for her with my missionary powers. Thats got to count for something right?
Anyway I love you all so very much. Keep being wonderful. I love you guys.

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